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What is Accountancy?

          It is a body of knowledge prescribing certain rules or principles to be observed while recording, classifying and summarising transactions.

According to Kohler—

          Accountancy refers to the entire body of theory and practice of accounting

It tells us everything from recording our first transactions to preparing the books of accounts and summarising it.

It also tells us how to communicate it to the interested parties (stakeholders).

What is accounting?

        It is the process of creating the final accounts of an organisation to ascertain the net result and communicate it to the interested parties.

Analysing and interpreting the result from the final accounts is a part of accounting.

Different types of accounting

        These days an organisation requires various kinds of information to perform its functions effectively and efficiently. Therefore many types of accounting have come in to place.

1.    Financial accounting: - The main purpose of this type of accounting is to ascertain the profit and loss of the organisation and also to create the balance sheet to understand the asset and liabilities of the organisation. It is mostly leaning towards the historical data and interpreting it.

2.    Cost accounting: - The most important function of cost accounting is to ascertain the cost of goods and services produced by the organisation. It also helps to estimate the cost in advance and take controls if necessary.

3.    Management accounting:- The main propose of this type of accounting is to take the accounting information and preset in such a way that it is useful for decision making for the firm with the help of techniques like cash flow statement, ratio analysis, budgeting control etc.

4.    Tax accounting: - Accounting for the purpose to file the tax of the organisation with the respective tax authorities.

5.    Social Responsibility accounting: - Since the nature and the society provide materials (raw materials, man power etc.) for the business to function, it is the responsibility of the organisation to pay back (in ways like planting trees, create stability for the employees, keep the environment clean etc.). The accounting which helps in such activities comes under this section.

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